R&B of the Week. Music Videos: A Lost Art

Mint Condition-"Breaking My Heart (Pretty Brown Eyes)"

This video caught my attention for a number of reasons. As you all know, old school R&B is my "thing" and Mint Condition is definitely one of my favorite artists. The biggest thing, however, was the leading lady of the video:

You see where I'm going with this, right?

Now granted, she does get all va-va-voom in the end, but most artists nowadays won't go there for even a moment. it's fake, long weave, silicone ass & tits, fake eyelashes and overdone makeup from start to finish. This girl had on half the makeup that they wear nowadays, PLUS wore a dress that was classy but sexy.. meant to accentuate without being overly revealing. What happened to the way the media used to envision women? How they portrayed a woman as beautiful? This new shit is wack. THIS is what makes a good video: telling a story. Plus you could tell that Stokley was attracted to the lead girl before she got all dolled up, which sends an even greater message that has been lost in the "Becky" era. SMH..



  1. I totally agree with your post. In order for a woman to sexy these days she has to be in a bikini and at least have had some type of butt shots. The definition of what beauty was then and now has been blurred. I'm and r&b old school addict also...I love Mint Condition.


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