My Heart's Broken.. A Little Bit.
Still slightly disturbed due to a number of events that have transpired so far this summer.. coupled with these conflicting feelings I have about myself. This summer's been fun so far. I've spent a lot of time floating around Atlanta as part of the nightlife. Running amok and acting a damn fool with my friends. Drinking and dancing the night away. Good times. On the other hand, I find myself constantly being hit with these comments here and there based on how I've been spending my summer, and I just don't seem to understand. I've written blogs similar to this before but I guess because I drink and party I'm also automatically supposed to be a whore or groupie or golddigger.. or a "golddigging groupie whore." I dunno. Thus.. unwifeable? Somebody hit me with a tweet the other day saying that I couldn't possibly be celibate because I drink too much. My immediate response was "HUH?!" because I couldn't figure out if it was a serious st...