We STILL Punishing Chris Brown?
Let me say first that I have never bought a Chris Brown album. And, like Trey Songz, his music has never really been my forte, outside of a few songs. I was also as shocked as everyone else when I watched "THAT" story unfold the night of the Grammys. So you can't say I'm just a "fan taking his side." I also want to say that I, under no circumstances, condone violence of any kind. I've never been in a fight my entire life. I've never seen the point in fighting, personally. I feel that if you cannot handle your situation as adults and speak about it then I'm not even gonna acknowlege you. That's just me. So you can't say I'm just "so consumed by who this guy is that you don't see the big picture" or whatever. HOWEVER.. I cannot, for the life of me, understand how people can still be coming down on Chris Brown so hard.. or at ALL. Has it not been going on a year & a half?? And has he not paid his debt to...