Somethin Ain't Right with the World...

So I meant to talk about this a while ago, but I’ve been sooooo busy at school (and these KILLER EXAMS! UGH) that I just introduced my WTSH segment of my blog. But anyway, while I was on my way to school the other day, I heard something on the Frank & Wanda show on V-103 that was so disturbing I had to exclaim ‘OH MY GOD!’ out loud and almost cried. It is a sad, sad day when the spawn of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. and Coretta Scott King (whom Frank Ski called ‘OUR first family’) take each other to court. And the things that I heard…ladies and gentlemen Dr. & Mrs. King have to be turning over in their graves right now. As it turns out, a bunch of personal items of Dr. & Mrs. King were found, including a collection of love letters mailed between them back BEFORE Dr. King became who he was. Back when he was courting Mrs. King. Apparently, their oldest son, Dexter, wants to PUBLISH these letters, as well as get some book, autobiography, AND movie deals going. Dexter King. I’m ...