So it's about that time for me: GRADUDATION! (spelled like I'm sayin it right now lol) I'll be graduating on 14 December 2009 at the Georgia Dome at 6:30pm! (Come thru if you in the A.. afterparty at MAGIC CITY! BOW) I've been thinking a lot about my future. Grad school? Side hustles? Boyfriend? Family? Moving away from home? I dunno what it's gonna be like. My life is about to do a serious 180. I've been in school since I was 2 or 3 years old. That's 21, 22 years! I don't know what it's like to NOT be in school, y'know? Really working for a living, generating income, having shit in my name, paying bills.. I am about to join the workforce, and just like any transition in one's life, it's super scary. Everyone's scared of things not going how you planned it. God makes no mistakes, though. It's important to know that whatever you go through in life, God has your back always. He doesn't put you through anything you cannot get thr...